Friday, August 27, 2010

Sally Hansen Just Feet Products

I love this product line for pedicures. I took these at Ulta.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Garnier Moisture Rescue Line

I think this is would be the perfect skincare line for warm weather because it's supposed to be light and fresh. The cleanser wasn't in this display but I had to take some pics anyway:)

Have you tried this or seen it?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Shaving Bonus Sets at Target

I spotted these at Target a while ago. I love these sets!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Current Cleanser: go360 Clean from L'Oreal

I've been using the green "deep" cleaning one for the past two weeks and it feels great after coming in out of the summer heat. This was a bonus display in Walgreens.

Monday, August 23, 2010

$30 Zeno Hot Spot?

I was shocked to see this for $34, but after I did a little research I learned that this is not the product I remember. This product only give you 80 uses, then you have to toss it.

There was another Hot Spot that went for $225, then $149 (you can still get it from the Zeno site here ). The more expensive one also lets you add a new tip for more treatments. I guess this one is okay if you don't get too many flare ups.