Friday, April 24, 2009

More new mascara!

Can you believe it?!? MORE new mascara!
This time from L'Oreal:

Of course there was no price on the display (grrrrr). I'll share more when I know more.

Have any of you seen this? Is it on your list?


  1. I knowww....these mascaras are popping like crazy. I got this one on Monday. It was $7.99 from CVS. We'll see how it works!

  2. Hey Girl!

    There was a mascara drought for a few months and now BOOM! LOL:)

    I got a SUGAR mascara on sale at Marshall's today. I'm waiting for a L'Oreal BOGO before I get this one.

  3. I'm sooooooo excited to try this one out. I actually found it both at Wal Mart and Rite Aid and they were both on small side-endcaps and not on big displays like the one you pictured. At Wal Mart it was around $6. But, I'll probably still wait around for a BOGO to try it though :)

  4. @ Tanya

    Always go BOGO if you have another L'Oreal item to get:)
