Pen #4 is the Patriot Pen
When I saw this I thought about my friend Adrienne at 24 The Next Hour, this amazing podcast about the show 24 (which is back in one month, I can't wait!).
Everyone on that show is always calling themselves a "Patriot", and Adrienne commented about it in one of the podcasts. I think this would be perfect for her to take show notes with:) Jack Bauer would probably enjoy this pen too.
The site says:
"Oh, its home again and home again, America for me! I want a ship that's westward bound to plough the rolling sea. To the blessed land of Room Enough beyond the ocean bars, where the air is full or sunlight and the flag is full of stars." Henry Van Dyke
The Patriot Pen has three bands of Swarovski crystals, red, white and blue. The Continental Congress left no record as to why these colors were chosen for the United States flag, but the colors were chosen by the Congress of the Confederation when designing The Great Seal of the United States. Their meaning is as follows: white to mean purity and innocence, red for valor and hardiness, and blue for vigilance, perseverance and justice. A fitting tribute to the character and soul of someone chosen to own the Patriot Pen.
The clip of the Patriot Pen represents the waving of the flag, flowing freely in the spirit of this great country. The name Patriot Pen is engraved on the back of the ball point pen and on the front of the roller ball and fountain pen. All three modes include a recognition plate on the cap the pen, which we can engrave for you. The pen is rhodium plated to preserve its bright protective finish and hardness.
The Patriot Pen box is designed for presentation and desk tops. It is made of mahogany, hand rubbed with multiple coats of lacquer. The outside top of the box includes the Patriot logo underneath the lacquer.
Inside, on the top lid of the box, the following phrase is printed: "Patriot - One who loves, supports, and defends one's country."
Fountain Pen Medium Point $115.00
Roller Ball $105.00
Ball Point $95.00
Get yours at Paradise Pen