Hey! What happened to October? I can't believe it's almost over:( In two more months it's goodbye 2007 and hello 2008. I 'm not sorry about that because most of 2007 sucked for me. I do plan to make the most of these last two months and that includes getting great skin.
I hope the RejuvaWand can help me with this. I'm using it in conjuction with my L'Oreal Dermo-Expertise ReNoviste Glycolic Peel Kit.
The RejuvaWand is supposed to "help you fight the effects of time by promoting and stimulating the skin's own rejuvenation process", and it uses "cool light technology" to do this. At least that's what their web site says. There's a great video on the RejuvaWand home page that explains it all.
You're supposed to see signifigant results in 6 weeks. So on December 8th I hope to be dazzled by great new skin. I'll keep you posted...
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