While watching "Lost" online a few weeks ago, my thoughts drifted to beauty products. Let's say all of my basic needs ( food, water, shelter) are covered. What beauty products would I bring with me to a deserted island? What if I could only bring seven things? I would get an unlimited supply of these seven items, but I could only bring seven beauty items. What would I pick?
I posed this question to some of my favorite beauty bloggers and the answers were informative, thought provoking and funny! "Island Beauty" will be a Wednesday staple here on HomeSpaGoddess.com for the next few months starting today:)
Jami, the beauty behind the Bionic Beauty beauty blog, is this week's Island Beauty. Here is her "Island Beauty Shopping List":
"Certainly sunblock would be my top choice- right now my favorite for face is C.O. Bigelow's SPF 15 Extra-Light Oil Free Face Lotion, and for body Ocean Potion's SPF 45 Anti-aging sunblock. I love the creamsicle scent!
Next, I'd really like to stay clean, so I'll be practical and choose Herbaria's Jojoba Shampoo bar. It can be used for washing my face, hair and body (and it smells delightful!). And I'll take along the Paul Mitchell Awapuhi Moisture Mist. This moisturizing spray prevents tangles, conditions hair and can be used as a spritz-on lotion for body!
I'd also pack pure Tea Tree Oil. It's another item that can be used a multitude of ways: helps to heal blemishes and other skin nasties, place a few drops in water for a disinfecting cleaning spray, it can help clean cuts and scrapes, keeps away bugs, and so much more.
My Lip Stuff lip balms. They have tints and balms in hundreds of scents and they are all-natural. You can even use them on your hands and cuticles for extra moisture!
A Venus razor with unlimited blade refills. I can keep my skin soft and smooth and if necessary, the blades could be disassembled for cutting vines, hair cuts, etc. Hey, you gotta plan for everything, right? ;-)"
Thanks Jami for sharing your list!
Don't forget to "Achieve Powerful Beauty" by checking out her blog, Bionic Beauty:)
Are you a beauty blogger? If you want to participate just email me your answer to this question:
You're stranded on a desert island where all of your basic needs (food, water, shelter) are taken care of. You are allowed an unlimited supply of only 7 beauty products. What seven products would you choose? They can be products for hair, face or body.
Email your list it to islandbeauty{at}homespagoddess.com with your blog url, blog name and your name. Put "Island Beauty" in the subject line.

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