The HSG.com Cool Site of the Day-
Avenue YouDescription from the "About me" page on their site:
"Avenue You was developed and created by Lisa Ann, a 4th generation Professional Styilst with 15 years of experience in the beauty industry behind her. She was raised in a family involved in all aspects of the wonderful professional beauty industry: Salon Ownership, Manufacturing, and Retailing exclusive hair, nails, skin, and makeup lines. Avenue You takes all of these qualities and combines them with the needs of the customer - exclusive product lines that work, and on and off-premises services for special occasions & weddings (hair, skin, & nails). Such exclusive lines include J Beverly Hills, Paul Brown Hawaii, Secret Professionnel, Blinc Cosmetics, Mistique Cosmetics, Bloom Cosmetics, Jaqua Girls, Bliss Spa, OPI, Essie, Peter Thomas Roth Skin Care, Bablyiss Professional Appliances, FHI Appliances, Marilyn Brushes, DevaCurl and much much more. Don't forget, "it's all about you" ,and we are here to make sure it is the most enjoyable and self gratifying experience in this great industry."
Visit the site .