Since todays HSG Show is all about Home Spa Accessories and I consider fountains home spa accessories I wanted to share my latest fountain with you. It's the Envirascape Eternal Rain fountain from Homedics.
It was $19 at Ulta, down from $24. I LOVE fountains and I have 6 in my apartment right now. Homedics is my favorite brand, I own several of their fountains, including the Envirascape Shimmering Towers Illuminated Relaxation Fountain, the Envirascape Illuminated Rock Garden Relaxation Fountain, and the Envirascape Relaxing Rains Rain Forest Fountain (this one has sounds).
You have to be vigilant with table top fountains when it comes to the water. You need to top it off every other day, wipe off and scale that's formed and completely change the water regularly or algae and odor will take over. I change mine and clean my fountains once a month, but that's only because I treat the water all month long. How do I do that? Well, I use a capful of bleach every week to keep algae from forming. It works for me although some people say it creates foam. I've never had that problem.
Here's Home French Manicure Vid #5

HSG Show#95
The Home Spa Goddess Show is a daily podcast to help you live the spa lifestyle at home!
In this episode - Home Spa 101 on Home Spa Accessories / Making Bubble Bath / Spa Mix #3
Today's show is sponsored by BizzyFizz.com
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