Hey! The HSG Call In Radio Show hosted by TalkShoe.com will be on the air at tonight 6pm CST/7pm EDT. The show will last 15min. Go to TalkShoe.com and register so you can participate in the show. You can call in using a phone, Skype, or VOIP. If you don't want to talk you can just listen in or chat via your keyboard during the show.
We will be talking new products and mascara!
The next call in show will be Jan 18, 2008 6pm CST/7pm EDT
Talk to you all tonight!

In my last update I mentioned RejuvaMoist from the Rejuva Revitalizing Skincare Program that you can use along with the Rejuvawand. Today I'm going to talk about RejuvaNight, a night cream.
The site says "The night cream contains concentrated peptides to firm your skin while reducing surface tension. The addition of rich botanicals, moisturizers and Hyaluronic Acid provide intense hydration leading to soft and supple skin"
Now, I haven't had a chance to try this product, but it does sound great. It's $50 (!) fromRejuvaWand.com
I have enjoyed my Rejuvawand experience. I had a couple of breakouts while using it, (which I don't blame on the Rejuvawand) but over all my skin feels great and does seem softer and smoother.

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