In today's show I:
*Help you create perfect portions
*Give you a party survival checklist
*Tell you how to do yoga in bed

HSG Show #164
The Home Spa Goddess Show is a podcast to help you live the spa lifestyle at home!
In this episode - Yoga In Bed / The Portion Teller Plan / Party Survival

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Todays featured merchant from the HSSC Holiday Boutique is mi Spa. What does the Home Spa Goddess what in her stocking from ? I want the Surprise mi Delux SPA gift set! Here's the description from their site:
"A super-sized DELUXE pampering sampler for the special someone (or YOU!) to try out our products. The scent for each item is always a surprise. We even include a couple pleasantly unexpected test-size samples for more surprises."

Get yours for $138 from mi Spa.

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