Thursday, September 25, 2008

Beauty Vlog : Random Beauty

The video might need to load completely before you can watch it. If it stutters press pause and let the gray bar under the video fill in completely. Then press play again.

If you still can't view the video, watch it on my show page here at


  1. Thanks for adding me. I'm really flattered. Sorry I haven't been online, but school just started. I will add you as well to my blogroll. I love the pink background in you site.

  2. BTW the first tip to put the lush bath bomb in a stocking is fantastic. I've always been scared to use these "bombs" because I'm scared of the laborious clean up afterward. Thanks for making the video!

  3. @marnibarney
    I got that tip from the Lush site! I love their bombs but them make a HUGE mess. I get the 3/$1 stocking balls from Walgreens:) for this then I double the stockings by cutting them in half and knotting the end of one:)
